Sunday, January 06, 2008

Time Clutter

Most of us know that a cluttered desk makes it harder to concentrate, and a cluttered bedroom can lead to restless nights. But what about time clutter?

Time is precious. We can't get back lost or wasted time, so we should be good stewards of the time we have. For me, time clutter is activities or obligations that serve no purpose in my life, due to the fact that I'm not passionate about it, or that it's a chore that I don't have to do.

If we truly want to de-clutter our lives, we should look at how we spend our time in addition to looking at and evaluating all the stuff we own. Is what we are spending our time on something we feel good about doing? Is it something that we have a passion for, or is it something we are doing still because we've been doing it for years?

Our time should be spent doing things we care about, and ultimately living for God. Time is a gift. I think that if we lived as if it were a gift, that perhaps we wouldn't be so inclined to be busy for the sake of being busy, and we would savor the moments we have and make the most of them.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year! Time to Make That Resolution...

Ladies and dudes...

Happy 2008!

Another year has begun, and like a lot of people, I have made several resolutions. However, unlike previous years where I've made resolutions, I really feel like I will be able to stick to them this time (of course, everyone says that, so we'll see). So here they are:

Become friends with the treadmill again. I'm out of shape, y'all. 'Nuff said.

Get organized, and stay that way! If any of you could see my bedroom right now, you'd understand why this is important...

Reclaim my time and rediscover what I'm about at the core. I need to say no to things, and focus my time on things that I'm passionate about and people that I care about. I have found that those things have been neglected, so it's time to dust them off. I miss them.

How 'bout you? What is something that you're resolved to do in 2008?