Friday, February 23, 2007

Breif Thoughts on Celebrity Drama

The last several weeks have been a three ring circus in the world of Hollyweird.

But the question is, why are we so insanely obsessed with Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears? Why do we care so much about the drama? Why do we feed it?

Why is there such an intense yearning of teens and twenty-somethings in Hollywood to take the partying and everything else they do to such an extreme? I just don't understand it.

But perhaps, since I've not lived the life of one who is famous and rich, and I've not had things handed to me on a silver platter, and I've come of age in a fairly normal fashion, I can't understand.

And it makes me thankful that I have had a normal life, with normal struggles, and normal boundaries. I can't say I'd have turned out differently had I been in their shoes.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Messy is the New Neat

A little messiness can be a good thing, say experts behind a book entitled A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder.

I guess this means that I've been doing it right all along. (If you could see my bedroom right now...)

On Time Magazine online.

Friday, February 09, 2007

This Blog...the One You're Reading

It's been a while since I've written a decent blog entry worth publishing. Not that many people read it, (if you do, show me some love and comment. :) ) but not that it matters. Writing is an outlet for me, and I feel better and more at peace for doing it, regardless if it is read by the masses or not.

I've been doing some thinking about the direction I want to take this blog in. So far I've written six posts about faith in my life, revelations I've had of a spiritual nature. (And I know those of you reading this on Facebook are going, "What the??" I have this blog feeding into Facebook via RSS, which is really cool.)

Being a designer, and one who reads design blogs, I know that it is best to keep a blog on one topic, but I'm starting to think that perhaps I should expand to other things that interest me. After all, this blog is titled Confessions of a SmileyFreak, so why can't it be about several things I like or enjoy? I mean, Mark Lee writes about anything and everything he's interested in on his blog, so why can't I?

So I have decided, in the interest of possibly posting more entries, and in the interest of showing more than just one part of myself, that I'm going to expand my blog to cover current events as I see them, design, music, or anything else that I feel the need to write about. And now that Blogger lets you label posts, I can categorize, which makes multiple topics easier.

So look forward to more from me in the future.