Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ducks on the Lake

Took this photo out at a local lake last month.

Singer-songwriters, or just singers?

This article from the Associated Press brings to light that some recording artists who are given credit for songwriting, in reality may not have contributed to the writing of the song. Unfortunately, by some of the quotes in this piece, this may be a common practice in the music industry.

Singer-songwriters, or just singers?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Burger King To Offer Un-DRMed Songs from EMI

EMI is the only major record label that gets it, apparently, as they have now agreed to give away unrestricted, DRM free MP3 files of songs thru a promotion at United Kingdom Burger King restaurants. When a "kids meal" is purchased, there will be a promo code that can be entered at a website.

This follows EMI deciding to offer it's catalog of songs on iTunes in a DRM free format almost two months ago.

Story via Wired blog Listening Post.