Saturday, December 22, 2007

16 Year Old Girls Having Babies Isn't an Uncommon Occurence...Look at Your Local High School

I've been reading and seeing on the cable news stations the mini-outrage over Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant at 16. (And how she's a bad example, and blah, blah, blah...)

First of all, is there not anything more important to report on?

Second, why is such a huge earth shattering ruckus being raised about her when there are 750,000+ teenage pregnancies every year in the US?

Why not get upset that this is not an uncommon occurrence? She's just another one of many teen girls who's having a baby too young.

Monday, October 08, 2007


Life gives us many challenges, and it isn't always fair. Sometimes we are faced with situations where we are treated badly. Sometimes those people intentionally treat us badly; other times, they may do so without realizing it.

When we're treated (we feel) unfairly, some of us choose to talk to the person we feel has wronged us. Some of us let it slide a couple of times, and then tell the people, "Hey, that's not cool." Others of us don't say anything and let our hurt build up until the point that we cut off ties with those people.

In the last case, are those of us who don't say anything partially to blame for the demise of that relationship?

You can't have any sort of relationship, be it professional, friendship, romantic, whatever without communication. If nobody knows how you feel, especially the person who you have a grievance with, how are they to know they need to correct their behavior, and/or apologize?

If you feel like someone has done you wrong, or if you have issue with them, don't let those feelings bottle up inside until you explode or just quit talking to them. You have to tell them.

When we don't tell people when we feel we've been wronged, it starts to skew our perspective, which in turn causes dissension and separation. We start to see the annoyances, the problems, and the hurts, and put blinders up to all of the good things and the love that is there, which begins to unravel the unity that exists.

Are you in a situation in your church, your workplace, or your home where you feel like you've been wronged? Are you talking about how you feel to those whom have been unkind or unfair to you? Do you see the good things about the people in that place, or do you just see the injustice? What is your perspective?

Friday, October 05, 2007

Music Survey


Without looking at the questions below, list your top 10 favorite artists

1. Third Day
2. Chris Tomlin
3. David Crowder*Band
4. Skillet
5. DC Talk
6. Leeland
7. Etta James
8. Flyleaf
9. All-Star United
10. Switchfoot

Q: What was the first song you ever heard by #2?
A: "We Fall Down"
Q: What is your favorite album of #6?
A: They've only had one...
Q: What is your favorite Lyric of #7?
A: "He may not be the man some girls think of as handsome, but to my heart he carries the key."
Q: What is your favorite song by #9?
A: Hmm...either "Drive" or "Thank You, Goodnight"
Q: Is there a song of #1 that makes you sad?
A: "It's a Shame" does a bit because of the subject matter...
Q: What is your favorite song by #8?
A: "Supernatural"
Q: What is your favorite song by #10?
A: "Learning to Breathe" or "Awakening"
Q: What is your favorite album by #8?
A: They've only had one full-length...but their EPs are good too.
Q: How did you get into #5?
A: I heard them at youth way back in the them! Own every CD they put out.
Q: What is your favorite song by #4?
A: "Alien Youth" "Kill Me Heal Me" "A Little More" "Cycle Down" or "Yours to Hold"
Q: Who is your favorite band member of #1?
A: That's a hard choice. All of them are cool...they're a unit. You can't break 'em up.
Q: What is a good memory concerning #4?
A: Rocking out to them in my car. :) Someday I'll get to see them live.
Q: What does #9 remind you of?
A: 1997...seeing Switchfoot, All-Star United, and Third Day for the first time, and seeing that not all Christian music is completely lame.
Q: Is there a song by #3 that makes you sad?
A: No
Q: What is your favorite song of #1?
A: "Sky Falls Down" or "Underwater"
Q: How did you become a fan of #7?
A: All the good singers reference her, so I checked out her stuff, and I love her voice.
Q: What do you like to do while listening to #6?
A: Worship & reflect...
Q: Which of the 10 has influenced you the most?
A: Probably Third Day...their music is like my musical soup. It's got everything I like. Plus Mac's vocals are always killer.
Q: Which artist makes you the most happy?
A: They all make me happy, but each in their own way.
Q: Which artist makes you the most sad?
A: None of them.
Q: Which artist makes the best dance music?
A: Hmm...well, being as I don't dance, (I'm white. 'Nuff said.) this is a hard one to answer. But I would suppose DC Talk's stuff is better for that.
Q: Which artist have you liked the longest?
A: DC Talk
Q: Which artist have you liked the shortest?
A: Leeland
Q: Are there any artists you will still be listening to in 20 years?
A: Yes, I will pull these artists out from now on, most likely. :)

Q: What are you listening to right now?
A: Right this moment? The fan in my computer. ;)

Okay, now it's your turn. Post your answers in a comment or in your own note or blog.

Stolen from MamaGomer on the Third Day Boards.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Big Brother 8 - The Dick & Danielle Show

I watched Big Brother this season. Unfortunately, Dick and Danielle were the final two house guests, and Dick won the half million dollar prize.

Some may say that Dick's methods worked brilliantly. While this is true, I don't think that he and Danielle played the game fairly, or for that matter, maturely. Dick reminds me of an 8 year old schoolyard bully. He's a bit sad, honestly.

But that's just par for the course on these "reality" shows where people compete for large sums of money. There is lots of that sort of thing to be had.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Click on it to download a larger version!

Friday, September 07, 2007


I am somewhat ADD/random, so unlike most people I know of who study the Bible, I study it like I surf the Internet, by searching for something that I'm thinking about at a particular moment in time.

Last night we had a worship committee meeting at church, and after what we talked about, it's got me wanting to delve into the topic of praising God--what that really is, and how to do it because it is genuine, and what God wants, and not just something to do or some feeling that I want.

Praise is more than just prayers of thanksgiving and songs we sing in church. Praise is a lifestyle. Praise is our becoming Christlike; meeting people where they are at, and meeting their needs because they need to be met. It's sharing the Gospel through our acts of kindness and words of encouragement in our daily lives.

God wants so much more from us than just singing along to some songs and praying the Lord's Prayer on Sunday mornings. He wants our whole lives.

I think that perhaps in my congregation we've been stuck in the mode of sing songs, take an offering, sing the Doxology, sing some more songs, hear a sermon, go home. Instead of being a place where I felt like I could go to be refueled each week, I felt like it was a place, like much of the rest of my life of late, that was spiritually draining. I wrestled with that feeling, and have had a deep, deep longing to go to the well, dip my bucket in, and not come out empty.

I do feel encouraged, though, that things are going to move in a direction where we do things with purpose...not just because we "need" to do it or have always done it; and that God will really be present and working through all of us in a harmonious way, so that our house of worship will be truly that--a house of worship--and through us God can do great things.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Asking the Better Questions

I think I have a responsibility in what I say, but just because I have a cool idea about God doesn't mean it should be preached as truth on Sunday. I'm human and just as messed up as anyone—I just happen to sing louder. Some of the issues I'm wrestling with right now are on this record and others aren't. Some of your issues may be here and others may not be. My point in all of it is to inspire you to take these issues and wrestle with the Lord yourself. He may or may not answer your question [in this life], but you will be changed.
-Todd Agnew

Go read the whole interview on Christian Music Today

Friday, August 03, 2007

I could play on this site for hours...


If you like messing around with color schemes, check out kuler. You can make your own color schemes, name them, and share them with other users, who can rate them and comment on them. Pretty cool.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ducks on the Lake

Took this photo out at a local lake last month.

Singer-songwriters, or just singers?

This article from the Associated Press brings to light that some recording artists who are given credit for songwriting, in reality may not have contributed to the writing of the song. Unfortunately, by some of the quotes in this piece, this may be a common practice in the music industry.

Singer-songwriters, or just singers?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Burger King To Offer Un-DRMed Songs from EMI

EMI is the only major record label that gets it, apparently, as they have now agreed to give away unrestricted, DRM free MP3 files of songs thru a promotion at United Kingdom Burger King restaurants. When a "kids meal" is purchased, there will be a promo code that can be entered at a website.

This follows EMI deciding to offer it's catalog of songs on iTunes in a DRM free format almost two months ago.

Story via Wired blog Listening Post.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

"It's goin'."

Sometimes life gets to goin' and it seems like your in a car moving 90 to nothin' passing life by to where it becomes a blur.

I remember when I told myself long ago that I wouldn't let my life become that, and yet, often as of late, I have found myself sitting in that moving car going 90 to nothin'. Oft times, behind the wheel.

I think that perhaps I need to re-evaluate my priorities, and recall that the brake is know, the short pedal on the left. :)

Being involved in extra activities is taking its toll on me. I'm finding that I don't have enough time for myself, to do things that I like to do that help me deal with stress in a positive way. I find myself reacting to situations in ways that aren't healthy or productive. My patience level is darn near zero.

I miss painting. I miss writing. Lately, I have been to tired or too busy to bother with starting a painting project or a writing project. And I'm really not taking as good of care of myself as I should, either, physically or spiritually.

So that has led me to the conclusion that I need to cut some things out of my life, and I have decided that at the end of this year I will go off of the board of an organization I'm involved in, and that less of my time will be devoted to my church.

I think that will be best for everyone involved. I don't feel like I'm able to devote the kind of effort that I feel is required of someone in the positions that I am in, and I would like to focus my attention to those things that I can be of real help with and have a real passion for. The spark is gone for the organization and for some things I am involved in at my church.

I am actively praying that whoever those people are that succeed me in these various duties...that there will be someone who has a love and a gift in these areas and can step in. And that I can continue with what needs to be done in the mean time.

So here's to hittin' the brake...but in a slow fashion as not to cause the back seat passengers to fly into the seat in front of them. ;)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Oooh...Pretty. :)

Yesterday I happened to have my camera with me, and after praise team practice I decided to take pictures of some of the flowers in the flowerbed outside of my church.

With the abundance of rain we've had lately, everything is so green and there are wildflowers blooming all over. It really is a beautiful sight, especially after the last several years of drought conditions, where the late spring and summer were hot and the grass was brown and dry.

It is a time of rejuvenation. And a time to rejoice in God's beauty around us.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Earings for the Geeky Chick

I have now seen it all...I might have to order these...just for the geeky lol'z. :) Har, har. via.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Update Your iTunes for DRM Free Music

According to Mashable!, iTunes has released version 7.2 which includes the ability to purchase DRM free tracks for $1.29 a pop. Read iTunes' DRM-free Music Now Available.

Monday, April 30, 2007


Bring rivers in this wasteland
Clouds into this sky
Bring springs of life into the wells that have been run dry

Rise up in this city
Gather in this light
Fall down on your people
Your glory and your life

Lord we thirst for water
We are desert Land
On your sons and daughters
Bring your rain again

-Rain Song by Day of Fire

I'm sitting here listening to the rain, and I'm reminded of how refreshing it is. It never fails that the dead brown of West Texas turns green and grows a foot taller after a good rain.

Sometimes we need God's rain. Sometimes our souls are thirsty, and the only thing that can refresh us is the raining down of God's grace and strength. Especially when our spiritual wells have run dry.

Perhaps this is why I love a rainstorm so much. It reminds me that the dry spells don't last forever. Eventually the rains come, clean the air, and revive the land.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Steve Jobs is lobbying for DRM free music

According to this article in PC World, Steve Jobs is lobbying for music publishers to release DRM free tracks. EMI has already agreed to sell DRM free tracks on iTunes, and according to this article, Jobs is writing letters to the rest of the big record companies to persuade them to follow suit.

For me, one of the most frustrating things about purchasing music online is the lack of portability of what I buy. If I could easily convert songs to MP3 format (which I prefer) or even buy those tracks as MP3 files (which I already do at eMusic) it would be awesome. I think getting rid of DRM is the first step in the right direction, and if the record companies offer consumers more choice with less restriction I believe it can only help their bottom line.

Update: Yesterday's Bomb Threat

According to the Abilene Reporter-News, several juveniles are being questioned regarding the bomb threat phone call received yesterday, which was deemed to be a hoax.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

"the airport go boom boom when I get there with my bomb."

Today was an interesting day at the office. There was a bomb threat for the Abilene Regional Airport called in to the Reporter-News this morning, which resulted in delayed flights and the evacuation of the airport.

After listening to the audio, I am of the opinion that it was some dumb kid put up to a crank call by his friends. Listen to the audio, and let me know if you disagree.

Either way, it's retarded.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

God's Love

Sometimes I really think that I have a hard time understanding, or maybe that I can't understand, the love of my heavenly Father.

I grew up from the age of eight essentially without my father in my life. He could have easily been a part of my life, but for whatever reason, he chose not to be. Because of this, I think that the whole idea of a Father's love can be hard for me to grasp. I haven't experienced that here on earth, and that makes it hard to relate to, and at times I find myself intellectualizing God's love for me and not really feeling it, and not really being open to feeling it.

That's not to say that I've never felt God's love---I have---it's just been a while. And perhaps that is of my own doing.

Sometimes I have to sit down and be brutally honest with myself, and the brutal honest truth is that I suck at being a Christian. I consistently act selfish and prideful and greedy, and I fail miserably at being the perfectly good Christian woman that somehow some people seem to think I am. I am a complete and utter failure at this whole thing of "acting the part" of being a Jesus Freak. And it is completely my fault, because I get prideful and think I know what's up, and forget that I'm not supposed to be in control.

It's time to stop, reflect, study, pray, and let God make his amendments in my life. Instead of feeling guilt and shame for not living up to supposed expectations, and trying to control my behavior and my life to fit a mold, I need to let God be in control.

Yet that is so very hard to do.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sanjaya Should Have Waited a Few Years to Be on American Idol

Initially, I liked Sanjaya Malakar. I think he has a decent voice.

However, that being said, he's 17, and that shows in his performances. He doesn't have life experience (or performance experience) to draw from to help him sell a song. He does do daring and...uhm...interesting...things with his hair. But that's about all he has going for him in my opinion.

So I was a bit flabbergasted that he wasn't even in the bottom three on last week's Idol.

The combination of Sanjaya being the first Indian-American on Idol, and therefor getting votes of the Indian-American community, his appeal with 10-13 year old girls, and Vote for the Worst is proving killer, and could be a credibility nightmare for Idol if he wins the whole deal.

Perhaps if he had waited until he was, say, 20, to audition for the show, his performance abilities wouldn't be such an issue for him. I actually feel sorry for him in this regard, because he's always going to have this hanging over his head, and he's going to have to work harder to prove himself. But then again, maybe that will help him become a better performer, and it won't be such a painfully boring experience watching him sing a song.

A picture, just so you can be scarred for life...or something...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Breif Thoughts on Celebrity Drama

The last several weeks have been a three ring circus in the world of Hollyweird.

But the question is, why are we so insanely obsessed with Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears? Why do we care so much about the drama? Why do we feed it?

Why is there such an intense yearning of teens and twenty-somethings in Hollywood to take the partying and everything else they do to such an extreme? I just don't understand it.

But perhaps, since I've not lived the life of one who is famous and rich, and I've not had things handed to me on a silver platter, and I've come of age in a fairly normal fashion, I can't understand.

And it makes me thankful that I have had a normal life, with normal struggles, and normal boundaries. I can't say I'd have turned out differently had I been in their shoes.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Messy is the New Neat

A little messiness can be a good thing, say experts behind a book entitled A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder.

I guess this means that I've been doing it right all along. (If you could see my bedroom right now...)

On Time Magazine online.

Friday, February 09, 2007

This Blog...the One You're Reading

It's been a while since I've written a decent blog entry worth publishing. Not that many people read it, (if you do, show me some love and comment. :) ) but not that it matters. Writing is an outlet for me, and I feel better and more at peace for doing it, regardless if it is read by the masses or not.

I've been doing some thinking about the direction I want to take this blog in. So far I've written six posts about faith in my life, revelations I've had of a spiritual nature. (And I know those of you reading this on Facebook are going, "What the??" I have this blog feeding into Facebook via RSS, which is really cool.)

Being a designer, and one who reads design blogs, I know that it is best to keep a blog on one topic, but I'm starting to think that perhaps I should expand to other things that interest me. After all, this blog is titled Confessions of a SmileyFreak, so why can't it be about several things I like or enjoy? I mean, Mark Lee writes about anything and everything he's interested in on his blog, so why can't I?

So I have decided, in the interest of possibly posting more entries, and in the interest of showing more than just one part of myself, that I'm going to expand my blog to cover current events as I see them, design, music, or anything else that I feel the need to write about. And now that Blogger lets you label posts, I can categorize, which makes multiple topics easier.

So look forward to more from me in the future.