Sanjaya Should Have Waited a Few Years to Be on American Idol
Initially, I liked Sanjaya Malakar. I think he has a decent voice.
However, that being said, he's 17, and that shows in his performances. He doesn't have life experience (or performance experience) to draw from to help him sell a song. He does do daring and...uhm...interesting...things with his hair. But that's about all he has going for him in my opinion.
So I was a bit flabbergasted that he wasn't even in the bottom three on last week's Idol.
The combination of Sanjaya being the first Indian-American on Idol, and therefor getting votes of the Indian-American community, his appeal with 10-13 year old girls, and Vote for the Worst is proving killer, and could be a credibility nightmare for Idol if he wins the whole deal.
Perhaps if he had waited until he was, say, 20, to audition for the show, his performance abilities wouldn't be such an issue for him. I actually feel sorry for him in this regard, because he's always going to have this hanging over his head, and he's going to have to work harder to prove himself. But then again, maybe that will help him become a better performer, and it won't be such a painfully boring experience watching him sing a song.
A picture, just so you can be scarred for life...or something...
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